Welcome to the St. Paul Catholic High School School Counseling Department.

We are eager to assist you with your counseling needs and requests for information.

Carmen J. Coard
School Counselor
tel. ext. 418

Nancy Priemer
School Counselor
tel. ext. 415

Matthew Saccoman
Wellness Counselor
tel. ext. 417

Linda Kilbourne
School Counseling Secretary
tel. ext. 419

Seniors – Request a Transcript

Class of 2024 Transcript Request Form

We provide parents and students with the following services:

Academic Guidance

Guidance which assists students and their parents in an effort to acquire knowledge of the curricula and to explain choices available to students, to plan a program of studies, to arrange and interpret academic testing, and to seek post-secondary academic opportunities.

Career Guidance

Guidance which helps students to acquire information and plan action about work, jobs, apprenticeships, and post-secondary educational and career opportunities.

Personal/Social Counseling

Counseling which assists students to develop an understanding of themselves, the rights and needs of others, how to resolve conflict and to define individual goals, reflecting their interests, abilities and aptitudes. Such counseling may be provided either (i) in groups in which generic issues of social development are addressed or (ii) through structured individual or small group multi-session counseling which focuses on the specific concerns of the participant(s).

  • General Counselor Duties
  • Crisis Intervention Team Member
  • Assist with Career/College Application Process
  • Prepare/Revise/Consult Regarding Student Schedules
  • Coordinate & Conduct Testing
  • Conduct Parent/Student Workshops
  • Individual and Group Guidance and Counseling
  • Orientation of Students
  • Review and Update Records
  • Collect, Maintain and Disseminate Information
  • Make Appropriate Referrals
  • Enroll and Withdraw Students
  • Set Up Conferences
  • Work with Archdiocesan, Local, State, and Federal Organizations