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The Deeley Foundation

The Thomas and Elsie Deeley Foundation is a not-for-profit private foundation that has established annual scholarships at Sacred Heart High School in Waterbury, Connecticut and more recently Saint Paul’s High School in Bristol, Connecticut for those graduating seniors planning to attend college.

We are grateful for the opportunity to be in partnership with this wonderful foundation!

Visit the website for more information about the generous scholarships the Thomas and Elsie Deeley Foundation provide to deserving students.

What’s Right With Schools

St. Paul Class of 2023 graduate, Marcus Concepcion is one of four students (three from St. Paul – Marcus, Dylan Bird and Kevin Grodecki) to earn the Thomas and Elsie Deeley Foundation Scholarship this year. See what Marcus has to say about the scholarship and his future!


Scholarship Recipients

Dylan Bird, Marcus Concepcion and Kevin Grodecki

We are happy to announce the three St. Paul Catholic High School students who were awarded this year’s Deeley Foundation Scholarships. Dylan Bird, Marcus Concepcion and Kevin Grodecki.

Learn more about each of the scholarship earners

Congratulations and best of luck!

In 2022 three St. Paul Catholic High School students were awarded the Deeley Foundation Scholarship. Madeline Kurnik, Nathan Stellmach and Gillian Smith.

Learn more about each of the scholarship earners