Office of catholic schools

Archdiocese of Hartford

CLICK HERE to find a series of documents highlighting important information about the Archdiocese of Hartford’s schools. The purpose of this information is to provide clear and transparent insight into the demographics of our schools, enrollment figures and academic performance across standardized testing.


New England Association of Schools and Colleges

All of the elementary, middle and high schools of the Archdiocese of Hartford are accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), a prestigious accrediting agency that sanctions such esteemed New England institutions as Harvard and Yale Universities. The process schools undergo to be accredited is an arduous one that includes a detailed self study, intensive peer review and timely responses to recommendations for improvement. Archdiocesan schools meet or exceed the demanding standards set by NEASC and understand that association with the independent schools of this organization deepens their commitment to excellence in education.

Visit the New England Association of Schools and Colleges website for more information.

Archdiocese of Hartford

Annual Report of Catholic Schools

Annual Report of Catholic Schools presents an overview of excellence and a reflection of the dedication and achievement found in all the schools in the Archdiocese of Hartford. The school communities continue to pursue the highest standards of a Catholic education grounded in faith, values and exceptional academics. THANK YOU!

Office of Safe Environment

If you have knowledge or suspect that  minor or vulnerable adult (an adult with an intellectual disability) has been sexually abused, in any manner, by personnel of the Archdiocese of Hartford, you are urged to report this information to the Archdiocese of Hartford – click here for information.