St. Paul Catholic High School Christian Service Formation Program

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St. Paul Catholic High School uses MobileServe to track student participation in our service learning program.
MobileServe makes it easy to document and verify students’ impact, as well as help match them with volunteer opportunities in their community.

Click Here to go to MobileServe and download the app directly to their iPad and then login or create their account.

Community Service Opportunities


United Way Day of caring - Friday, May 16
St. Paul will be paired with a non-profit organization and activities usually include cleaning and some landscaping. 
The United Way will select the organization after they know how many students are going from St. Paul.
It's a great way to receive service hours and typically students are picked up at St. Paul around 8am and returned just after 1pm.
They need this information by April 4th.
If you are interested in going, please email or see Mr. Palmero in Room 218.


Food Pantry
3-4 students are needed to help at a local food pantry. Cleaning, sorting and stocking the food pantry at Our Lady of Hope Church in Harwinton.
Please email Mrs. Schatz 3 TIMES & DATES THAT YOU ARE AVAILABLE to volunteer. No Tuesdays or Thursdays. Email her directly at to sign up for the opportunity.


Shamrock run/walk - 3/15 (bristol)
Students can walk or run the Shamrock and earn service hours for participating. Race begins at 551 Peacedale St., Bristol
2 mile run at 9:00am
2 mile fitness walk at 9:00am
5 mile run aat 10:00am


chris corbett 5k race - 5/10 (WAterbury)

Earn 3 Service Hours! (Falcon or Faith in Action)

See Ms. Mone for registration information or pick up a form in the dining hall, guidance office or Ms. Mone's office.
Only $10 registration fee until 4/4 to participate!
*fee will go up after 4/4


Meals for neighbors at zion lutheran church
Mission Club will resume meeting on the second Monday of each month starting Dec. 9.
Anyone interested in volunteering for Meals For Neighbors at Zion Lutheran in Bristol should see Mrs. Zillich in the library.
Volunteers must be at the church no later than 3pm and plan to stay until 6pm. Students and families are responsible for transportation.
Meal dates: Dec. 9, Jan. 13, Feb. 10, March 10, April 14


Writing Thank you notes - Veterans Strong Service Center

Veterans Strong Service Center, Bristol is looking for volunteers to write thank you notes once a month. You would need to meet at Bristol City Hall in order to access the documents necessary to complete the Thank You note template. You need to be proficient with Microsoft Word. 

Contact Mrs. Wernicki at 860-584-6257 or email for more information.



Philosophy of the Program

The Christian Service Formation Program at St. Paul Catholic High School strongly embraces the call of the Second Vatican Council, and in particular the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes) which “binds us to make ourselves the neighbor of every person without exception and of actively helping him when he comes across our path, whether he be an old person abandoned by all, a foreign laborer unjustly looked down upon by all, a refugee…or a hungry person who disturbs our conscience by recalling the voice of the Lord, ‘As long as you did it for the least of my brethren, you did it for me (Mt. 25 :40) ‘ (GS 27).”

Our Christian Service Formation Program has three components, each with a particular focus:

  • Faith in Action
  • Falcon Service
  • St. Paul Outreach

Each student at St. Paul is expected to respond to the Christian call to service. Community service is required of every student and completion is mandatory for graduation. A minimum of 15 hours of community service each year is required for graduation from high school. Students must devote five hours of service to the St. Paul community (Falcon Hours) and five hours to the larger community (Faith in Action) in the spirit of social justice/corporal acts of mercy. The students have the flexibility to devote the remaining five hours as either Falcon Hours or Faith in Action hours. Students must submit a proposal to their religion teacher and have the proposal approved before completing their service hours. All service hours logged by students will happen through the MobileServe web portal/app.

The objective of the Christian Formation Service Program is to help students understand their individual and corporate role in building the Kingdom of God. As is said in the Purpose and Vision for Catholic School Education, one of the fundamental purposes of a Catholic school education is to “Graduate students prepared to become productive, virtuous citizens and Church leaders who will fashion a more humane world.” It is important that, in the process, students come to appreciate that this service is not about “giving back” although we want them to be grateful, rather their service is geared towards the building up of the community through a spirit of generosity.



Participating Agencies

  • Alzheimer Center – Southington
  • B.A.R.C. – Bristol
  • Har Bur Middle School – Burlington
  • Bristol Hospital – Bristol
  • Linden Street School – Plainville
  • Edgewood Elementary School – Bristol
  • St. Matthew School – Bristol
  • Greene Hills K-8 School – Bristol
  • St. Joseph School – Bristol
  • Holy Family Retreat Center – Farmington
  • St. Peter/St. Francis School – Torrington
  • Humane Society – Meriden
  • Southington Catholic – Southington
  • Derynoski School – Southington
  • Northeast Middle School – Bristol
  • UCONN Medical Center – Farmington
  • Sacred Heart School – New Britain
  • New Britain Hospital – New Britain
  • United Way of West Central CT – Bristol
  • Sacred Heart School – New Britain
  • St. Brigid-St. Augustine Partnership School – West Hartford
  • St. Anthony School – Winsted
  • West Bristol K-8 School – Bristol
  • Franciscan Life Center – Meriden
  • Bristol Boys & Girls Club – Bristol