
2024-2025 Tuition
First Child$12,975
Second child in the same family attending in the same year$10,975
Third child or any more children in the same family attending in the same year$7,975


Payment Options

A tuition agreement is sent by mail, along with a tuition summary which will reflect any credits, financial aid or scholarship awards that may apply to your student. You will be able to select from payment options including one-time payment directly to St. Paul, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly payments via FACTS Management (fees apply).

What You WILL experience at St. Paul ...

100% Graduation Rate
An Authentic Catholic Education
College Prep Curriculum
Community Service
Competitive Athletics
Dedicated Faculty
Extracurricular Clubs/Activities
Out-of-Town Busing
Performing Arts Program
Scholarship Awards
Sibling Discounts
Small Class Sizes
Tuition Assistance

What You WON’T experience at St. Paul...

Athletic Fees
Course Fees
Graduation Fees
Lab Fees
Retreat Fees
Student Activity Fees
Technology Fees


Purchase separately:

Textbooks (ebook or hard copy)
I-pads - St. Paul placed a bulk order in May. Information will be forthcoming

Registration Fee*

$300 for new students, $200 for returning students
$400 maximum per family per year

This fee is due at the time the student registers for classes.

Non-Parish Assessment Fee*

$250 for those students who are not registered, active, contributing members of a Catholic parish. Parishes in the Archdiocese of Hartford pay this fee for students who are registered, active, and contributing members.

Bus Transportation Fee*

Optional bus transportation is available for many surrounding towns for a fee of $1,100 for the 2024-2025  school year. Additional siblings will be charged a reduced rate of $800.

*All fees are non-refundable.

Any fees incurred by the school due to wire transfers or due to payments denied for insufficient funds or other reasons will be billed to the family.



Use 529 Savings Plan for High School Tuition

The 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act expanded 529 savings plans to allow families to invest funds for K-12 tuition in addition to higher education expenses. CHET (Connecticut Higher Education Trust) allows up to $10,000 per year, per student, to be withdrawn from a 529 plan for tuition expenses at private or religious high schools - free from federal tax.

Learn More



Tuition Assistance

FACTS logo

*** Award announcements will be sent out at the end of February for families with incoming freshmen, and mid-March for all other students.***

St Paul Catholic High School uses an independent consultant, FACTS Grant & Aid, to evaluate financial need. Anyone who wishes to be considered for tuition assistance must submit an application to FACTS Grant & Aid. The application fee is $45.

The online application will be available starting 10/1/2024.

Click HERE to access the online application.

Please note: In cases of divorce, both parents must apply for financial aid and supply financial documents. If you occupy separate households, each parent should complete a separate application. If this is a problem, please put an explanation in Section 11 of the FACTS Grant & Aid application.

All supporting documentation can be uploaded in pdf or jpeg format online. If you have questions or concerns about the application process, you may speak with a FACTS Customer Care Representative at 866-441-4637.

Tuition Assistance FAQs

Please contact Elizabeth Gunn at or 860-584-0911, ext 428, if you have further questions about Tuition Assistance.





The New Britain Council of Catholic Women
The New Britain Council of Catholic Women announces its annual scholarship application process.
We award $1,500 to an 8th grader going to a Catholic high school and $1,500 to a high school senior going into college.
Each must be a parishioner within the Council's parishes and meet certain requirements outlined on the application. The  application must  be requested via e-mail at Completed application and attachments must be received at the same e-mail  address by May 5, 2025. No hard copies accepted. Scholarships will be awarded at the banquet in June, 2025.

Albert & Florence Swanson Scholarship

Divine Providence Parish, New Britain, offers the Albert & Florence Swanson Scholarship for parishioners. Please reach out to the parish directly.


The top scorers on the October and November Placement Exams are awarded scholarships. Students receiving an Academic Scholarship must maintain an overall average of 85 or above and maintain good behavior to renew the scholarship the following years.

The St. Paul Faculty-Staff Scholarship Fund

The St. Paul Faculty-Staff Scholarship Fund awards $1,000 scholarships to selected incoming freshmen. Students will be chosen based on academic standing and community and school involvement, and financial need. There is no application other than to apply for tuition assistance through FACTS Grant & Aid.

Please check the St. Paul website periodically to see if any new scholarships have been announced.


Each spring, Memorial Scholarships are awarded from funds that have been established through parents, alumni, and friends of St Paul Catholic High School. Students are nominated by faculty and administration. Scholarship amounts vary from $200 to $1,500 and are awarded to current St. Paul Catholic students.

Graduating Seniors