Register to Play

EACH SEASON In order to be eligible to participate, all student athletes & parents/guardians must complete the Register to Play form in order for a student athlete to begin the season.

Please complete all portions of the registration which should be reviewed, understood and agreed upon by both the student athlete & parent/guardian.

More details about practice schedules
to be posted soon.

Boys Lacrosse

Girls Lacrosse

Girls Golf

Boys Golf

Girls Tennis



Boys Outdoor Track

Girls outdoor track

Baseline Concussion Testing:

All freshmen and incoming transfers must take a Baseline Concussion Test (the baseline test also gets updated during the student’s junior year).

Questions? Email Mr. Dennehy at or Mr. Madden at


Physical/Health Form:

This form must be handed in to the school nurse (St. Paul main office) or uploaded on the registration form when registering. Please do not hand it to a coach.

  • Students must have a new physical completed every 13 months. Make sure your physical does not expire in the middle of a season.
  • Students must use the State of Connecticut Health Assessment Record for a physical. It is available to download HERE, in the main office, nurses’ office, or your doctor’s office.
  • The physician must ‘check’ the box on the blue form that states, “This student may participate fully in athletic activities and competitive sports.”
  • If there are any major health changes or concerns during the school year, student-athletes may be asked to provide updated medical clearance.

St. Paul Catholic Student Handbook/Athletic Policies:

You can find the Student Handbook/Athletic Policies (starting on pg. 20) HERE. Please review carefully. An acknowledgement form will be filled out by the student at the beginning of school.