Welcome to St. Paul Advancement Office!

Since 1966, St Paul Catholic has been the educational choice of families seeking a spiritual approach to academic and personal excellence. Throughout its history, the school has been supported by a community that believes in its value and the promise of its future.

With the generous support of countless friends, alumni and parents, St. Paul continues to prepare young people for entrance into the college or university of their choice. St. Paul prepares them for future leadership in their chosen careers, within their communities and churches and within their families.

Contributions from alumni/ae, families, friends, community leaders and businesses allow St. Paul to continue to fulfill its mission. Financial support also allows us to retain a high caliber staff and faculty and provide them with professional development opportunities. This results in a faculty dedicated to our students and their development.

We are strongly committed to our tuition assistance program. Each year, over 80% of our students received tuition assistance. With your continued generosity, we can ensure that every family who wishes to have their children educated at St. Paul Catholic will be able.

St. Paul is truly blessed to have the support of our community and we are thankful for the generosity of our donors.

Ways to give

There are many ways to give to St. Paul and every gift is appreciated by our students. Thank you for your generosity!

Capital gifts

Although the St. Paul Annual Fund is crucial to supporting the daily needs of our school, it is through special capital projects that we are able to make substantial improvement to our campus and to continue our commitment to offer financial support to students in need. Today, more than ever, St. Paul Catholic is in the hands of those it has served and those that share its mission. The capital needs of St. Paul include renovation and refurbishing of improved athletic fields and locker rooms, enhancement of the media center and an increased endowment fund. An ability to develop a marketing edge in recruiting students requires a physical plant and grounds that are attractive and meet the students’ needs. Endowment is essential for the future of St. Paul, as it has become a critical element of funding for Catholic schools throughout the country.

Planned giving

The most efficient way to make a deferred gift to St. Paul Catholic High School is to include us in your will or in a revocable trust. Each individual bequest, regardless of amount, will contribute to the school’s fiscal strength and our ability to meet the needs of our students. These gifts ensure St. Paul Catholic’s academic excellence for years to come. There are many ways to give, including cash, securities, real estate, and other types of real personal property.

Making a bequest to St. Paul Catholic is not only an act of generosity, it can also generate attractive tax benefits for your estate. Most importantly, your bequest will ensure St. Paul’s strength for generations to come and help shape the future of the school.

Consult your attorney for assistance with including St. Paul Catholic in your estate plan.

Matching Gifts

Many companies have a program for matching the charitable gifts of their employees. These programs either match contributions dollar-for-dollar or at a set percentage of your paid gift. Click here to learn about the possibilities!

Visit your human resources department to see if your company will match your gift to St. Paul. You will most likely need to obtain a matching gift form from your company and send it to St. Paul along with your own contribution. We will complete the form and return it to your employer.

Donate Online!

You can now donate online! We truly appreciate your support and we thank you for your generosity.

Questions? Contact our Advancement Office at 860.584.0911 or advancement@spchs.com.