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We continue to be inspired by our students’ moments of greatness and successes.
From National Honor Society members, National Merit Scholarship Finalist, Archdiocesan Summa Scholars, AP Scholars, CIAC state championships, scholar athletes, all-league, and all-state recipients to hall-of-fame honorees, youth-of-the-year selections, best musical theater award and scholastic art winners.
There is something greater here.
Graduation Requirements
Religion | 4 credits |
English | 4 credits |
Mathematics | 4 credits |
Science (including Bio) | 3 credits |
Social Studies | 3 credits |
World Language | 2 credits |
Art/Business/Technology | 1.5 credits |
Personal Finance | 0.5 credit |
Physical Education | 1 credit |
Health | 0.5 credit |
Digital Literacy | 0.5 credit |
Introduction to Programming | 0.5 credit |
Electives | 3 credits |
Community Service | 60 hours (15 hours per year) |
Class of 2024 SAT Scores
Evidence Based Reading & Writing | Math | Total | |
Top 10% | 706 | 685 | 1391 |
Top 25% | 676 | 645 | 1321 |
SAT Mean | 565 | 532 | 1097 |
Class of 2024 SAT Scores
Evidence Based Reading & Writing | Math | Total | |
Top 10% | 706 | 685 | 1391 |
Top 25% | 676 | 645 | 1321 |
SAT Mean | 565 | 532 | 1097 |
View our Curriculum Guide
Exploring STEM
The St. Paul science curriculum is designed to expose students to the basic knowledge of science and its processes but also to learn an appreciation for the wonder of the universe, to analyze the problems presented by life, and to develop appropriate and morally responsible solutions to those problems. The scientific method is fostered in the cooperative laboratory experiences, which are an integral part of the courses that are offered.
Opportunities in Science
3 credits required, 8.5 credits offered
Biology, 1 credit, offered at three academic levels, required of all 9th grade students
Biology is a comprehensive course that provides in-depth knowledge of biological theory and the critical thinking and reasoning skills that will be the foundation for further study, but paced to give students a greater opportunity to master topics introduced in class and increase their knowledge of the content. All major concepts of biology will surround the concept of homeostasis and using the scientific method to answer the many questions about life. The topics covered in this course include ecology, cells, heredity, DNA, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, adaptation, evolution and current topics in life sciences. Laboratory work will be a part of the learning experience.
Chemistry, 1 credit elective, offered at two academic levels, grades 10, 11, 12
Chemistry is the science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems. The nature, composition and structure of atomic particles, atoms and molecules, and their interaction with each other during chemical reactions are examined in a logical, scientific, progressive study. Laboratory work is an important aspect of the course allowing students to apply and test chemical principles through the scientific method of discovery.
Physics, 1 credit elective, offered at two academic levels, grade 12
Physics covers such topics as mechanics, conservation laws, wave theory, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, optics, nuclear physics, and relativity. Problem-solving techniques are stressed rigorously and made an integral part of the course. Laboratory experiments follow and corroborate classroom topics. Students interested in a career in mathematics, science, or engineering and those interested in an extension of their scientific background should select this course. Students are expected to bring a scientific calculator to class daily.
UConn ECE Physics, 1 credit elective, grade 12
This course will be offered as part of the University of Connecticut’s Early College Experience Program (ECE) and is the equivalent to PHYS 1201Q: General Physics I and PHYS 1202Q: General Physics II. UConn Physics covers mechanics, conservation laws, wave theory, thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, electricity, magnetism, electronics, optics, nuclear physics, and relativity. Problem-solving techniques are stressed rigorously and made an integral part of the course. Laboratory experiments follow classroom topics. Lab reports require organizational skills and analytical thinking. This course is more demanding than Honors Physics in terms of depth of study, pacing, difficulty of problems, and math aptitude required. Students are expected to bring a scientific calculator to class. Students who qualify may earn eight UConn credits. To satisfy the lab requirements of a college-level lab science, students in UConn Physics are required to spend significant time (at least two hours per week) beyond the scheduled class time working in the Physics Lab.
Human Anatomy & Physiology, 1 credit elective, offered at two academic levels, grades 11 and 12
Human Anatomy and Physiology is an advanced life science course designed for college-bound students with a sincere interest in the medical and health sciences. The course will include a comprehensive study of the structures and functions of the human body at both the microscopic and gross anatomical levels. A prior understanding of basic biology and chemistry is required. Laboratory work will play an integral role in the learning experience, with a strong emphasis on the dissection of fresh and preserved specimens of organs from representative animals.
Introduction to Genetics, 0.5 credit elective, grades 10, 11, 12
Introduction to Genetics is designed to cover the basics of classical and molecular genetics. It presents an integrated approach to the study of genes (genotypes) and how mutations (alterations) can have profound effects on cells and proteins (phenotypes). This course will also include investigations into human diseases from a genetic/molecular view.
Honors Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 0.5 credit elective, grades 11 and 12
Honors Introduction to Organic Chemistry focuses on the “chemistry” of covalently bonded carbon-chain compounds. The course begins with an overview of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons – structure and naming, isomerism, unique reactions, and common use and application. Additionally, the chemistry of plastics, petroleum, drugs, fertilizer, and food additives are common topics further pursued. Potentially, his course could be a useful “leg-up” to anyone considering the petrochemical industry; medical, pharmaceutical, or health field; environmental or forensics careers.
Honors Introduction to Biochemistry, 0.5 credit elective, grades 11 and 12
Honors Introduction to Biochemistry focuses on the specific organic chemistry of living things. It examines the chemistry of the major food groups; hormones and enzymes; digestion and synthesis; glycolysis, protein synthesis and the process of biological energy production, use and storage. This course starts with a rapid review of the fundamental nature and structure of covalent carbon-chain molecules, recognizable organic groups and their reaction, and then shows that these same principles apply to larger, more complex biological chemicals and systems. This course could be an excellent complement to many advanced Biology courses and a useful topics introduction for anyone considering the medical, pharmaceutical or health fields.
Environmental Studies, 0.5 credit elective, grades 10, 11 and 12
Environmental Studies will provide students with scientific principles, concepts and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. The current popularity of concern over climate, energy consumption, alternative energy sources, and global issues will be discussed.
Comparative Animal Biology, 0.5 credit elective, grades 10, 11 and 12
Comparative Animal Biology is a course in which various activities and dissections will be performed to gain a better understanding of the evolution, characteristics, structures and functions of animals. Students will learn how the events involved in the formation of earth and time periods played an integral role in the development of animals. Examination of cladograms, dichotomous keys, and animal body systems are also an integral part of the course.
Forensic Science, 0.5 credit/1 credit electives, grades 11 and 12
Forensic Science I introduces topics based on specific types of evidence and the techniques used to collect and analyze the evidence. As students progress through the course, they will apply these techniques to other areas of study. The topics covered in this course include crime scene investigation, eyewitness testimony, the collection, handling, and examination of trace evidence, blood spatter examination, DNA, and handwriting analysis. Analysis of current and past cases are also included in this course. Forensic Science II will continue to explain the scientific techniques used in forensics, but it will broach topics that were not introduced in Forensics I such as determining post mortem interval, impressions, forensic entomology, ballistics, forensic anthropology, glass analysis and other higher-level topics and cases involving forensic science. Students will also solve simulated crime scenes and will have to learn the roles of different types of forensic investigators in order to gather their evidence and present their findings to the class.
St. Paul offers courses in performing and visual arts, mechanical and architectural design, business, computer science, information technology, and video and audio production. Our goal is to provide a substantial college preparatory curriculum in the different fields, as we afford our students real-life experiences that enhance their talents and give them a strong and varied set of skills. Our curriculum takes advantage of the latest technology in our fields of study. In fact, many of our courses are computer-based classes offered in three multi-functional computer labs. Finally, our offerings comprise progressive levels of learning, including honors and AP courses.
Opportunities in Technology
1 credit required, 3.5 credits available
Digital Literacy, 0.5 credit, required for all new students
This course will address the key issues of internet safety, privacy and security, reliability of online sources, cyberbullying, information literacy, online communication and self-identity, digital footprint and reputation, and intellectual property in the digital age. Students will develop and apply advanced skills in word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. Students will gain a working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. In addition, this course will introduce students to web applications provided through Google Apps. At the end of this course, students will know how to harness the power of technology safely, responsibly and effectively to enhance their own learning experience and productivity.
Introduction to Coding, 0.5 credit, required for all students not choosing HTML/Java Programming or Computer-Aided Design I)
This course is intended as a beginner course for students being introduced to foundational principles of computer programming for the first time. Block programming including exposure to the Alice, Scratch and SWIFT program languages will be introduced.
HTML/JAVA Programming, 1 credit elective, available all four years
First-year programming students will learn object-oriented programming concepts using the Java programming language. They will apply these concepts to the development of static and dynamic Web pages, Web services, and other client- and server-side applications. Upon completion of this course, students will have a working knowledge of technical vocabulary and common language constructs. Languages that will be covered include Java, HTML, CSS, and Java Script.
Honors iPad Action Game Programming, 0.5 credit elective, grades 10, 11, 12
Millions of people enjoy playing games on-the-go using their mobile iOS devices. This course will allow students to create their own action-packed games for the iPad. Students will learn the fundamentals of using Utility iOS, Wings3D and SWIFT while also learning valuable programming and game design skills in the process.
AP Computer Science A, 1 credit elective, grades 11 and 12
AP Computer Science A emphasizes object-oriented programming methodology with a concentration on problem solving and algorithm development and is meant to be the equivalent of a first-semester college-level course in Computer Science. It also includes the study of data structures, design, and abstraction.
Opportunities in Engineering & Robotics
4 elective credits available
Computer-Aided Design I (CAD), 1 credit elective, all grades
Computer-Aided Design I introduces the student to a technological means of generating mechanical engineering and architectural designs through automation. The class will participate in guided discussions and hands-on projects using Turbo Cad software to design various elements. Students will learn traditional drafting techniques to create floor plans of residential homes. Furthermore, students will draw, design, and construct useful products, and they will determine schedules for cost specifications. Other software applications used in this design class are Incredible Machine and Chief Architect.
Computer-Aided Design II (CAD), 1 credit elective, grades 10, 11, 12
Computer-Aided Design II is the advanced level of computer design. The course concentrates on the use of Turbo Cad and other software to design and create mechanical products and architecture. The course will incorporate electronic software to design and create simple circuitry. Advanced drafting techniques will involve hand drawings of front elevations, mechanical drawings, and wall sections. The emphasis of the class will be on three-dimensional design and multi-view drawing.
Computer-Aided Design III (CAD), 1 credit elective, grades 11 and 12
Independent CAD provides for individualized learning under the guidance of an instructor. Application of advanced CAD techniques are applied to projects related to an area of specialization or field of choice such as mechanical engineering and structural or architectural design. It allows a student to pursue a special concentration in engineering or design. Projects are assembly-based and a portfolio is required for year-end assessment.
Architecture, 0.5 credit elective, grades 10, 11 and 12
Architecture is designed to build a foundation into residential design and construction. Students will be introduced to many facets of construction and floor planning as well as interior design. Students will use a CAD system to design floor plans and elevations. They will also construct a scaled 3-dimensional model of a house. Upon completion of the class, the expectation will be for them to have produced a near full set of plans that could be used to build a house.
Robotics, 0.5 credit elective, grades 10, 11, 12
This class is a hands-on, learn-by-doing class in which participants design, build, and program robots. From the student’s perspective, the goal of the class is to design robotic machines that will be able to navigate their way around different surfaces and successfully interact with objects while performing specific tasks. The machines built by students are real robots. They are fully autonomous entities, operating under their own battery power with a microprocessor in control. They operate without human intervention. The design of a robot is a complex task because the robot must be designed intelligently with respect to mechanical, electronic, and control factors.
The Mathematics Department provides a college preparatory program of study that promotes critical thinking, problem solving, and logical reasoning skills. A blend of traditional and technological practices is employed to expose students to the practical and conceptual components of mathematics. It is our goal that students have the skills necessary for successful completion of future college-level mathematics courses that they may wish to pursue. We also strive to expose students to a rich variety of problem-solving techniques and strategies that illustrate how mathematics can be used in everyday life and how it relates to other disciplines.
Opportunities in Math
4 credits required, 4 elective credits available
Algebra I, 1 credit, offered at three academic levels, grade 9
The skills of algebra are taught within an integrated context involving applications, geometry, statistics, data analysis, etc. Particular stress is given to manipulation of variable expressions, the concepts of relation and function, and the analytical geometry of linear functions. Additional topics include quadratic functions, polynomials, exponential functions, radical equations, and rational functions.
Geometry, 1 credit, offered at three academic levels, grades 9, 10, 11
The standard geometric concepts of angle relationships, similarity, congruence, area, volume, properties of circles, and transformations are presented. They allow for a visual component to the students’ introduction to proofs and the logical structure of mathematics. Honors Geometry students will be expected to write complicated two-column proofs. Many of the geometric problems also integrate algebraic skills and concepts covered in Algebra I.
Algebra II, 1 credit, offered at three academic levels, grades 10, 11 12
This course builds upon the foundations established in Algebra I. Topics covered are: quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functions, arithmetic sequences and series, as well as conic sections. Applications in statistics, data analysis, and geometry will continue to be integrated into the material. Application of computer software will supplement traditional seatwork and will be a part of the learning and assessment of some topics.
Pre-Calculus, 1 credit elective, offered at two academic levels, grades 11 or 12
The standard pre-calculus topics of: relation and function, polynomial and rational functions, the analytical geometry of conics, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry, and sequences and series are all covered. These concepts are used in applications throughout the course. There is a strong emphasis on the use of the graphing calculator in all types of problem solving.
Honors Calculus, 1 credit elective, grade 12
This course covers differential and integral calculus of functions of one variable. The basic approach includes independent study and standard lecture periods.
AP Calculus AB, 1 credit elective, grade 12
This course is primarily concerned with developing the students’ understanding of the concepts of calculus and providing experience with its methods and applications. The course emphasizes a multi-representational approach to calculus, with concepts, results, and problems being expressed graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. The connections among these representations also are important. Broad concepts and widely applicable methods are emphasized. The focus of the courses is neither manipulation nor memorization of an extensive taxonomy of functions, curves, theorems, or problem types. The basic approach includes independent study and standard lecture periods.
Honors Statistics, 1 credit elective, grade 12
This course covers data analysis, elementary probability theory, distributions, estimation, regression, correlation, and statistical inference. The course will focus on applications, problem solving, and interpretation with calculations on the computer or graphing calculator. Both individual and group project work will be a significant part of the course.
Data Analysis, 1 credit elective, grade 12
Introduction to Data Analysis will emphasize the process, but not the theory, of data analysis. This course will be computationally intensive. Students will learn sampling techniques, numerical and graphical summaries of data, regression, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to think critically about data, to create graphical and numerical summaries, to apply standard statistical inference procedures, and to draw conclusions from such analyses. Students will use graphing calculators and Microsoft Excel as analytical tools. Microsoft Excel will also be utilized to create data presentations. This course will be evaluated mainly through performance-based assessment.
Exploring the Arts
Opportunities in Music
5.5 elective credits available
Instrumental Studies, 0.5 credit/1 credit electives, all grades, can be taken all four years
The instrumental program will afford students the opportunity to participate in the Instrumental Ensembles. This course will instill responsibility, self-discipline, respect, leadership, and cooperation, as well as provide musical development and self-expression. Individual instrumental music instruction is also offered to students on the following instruments: flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone and percussion. This course will implement several of the National Music Standards, providing a well-balanced curriculum.
Choral Musicianship, 0.5 credit/1 credit electives, all grades, can be taken all four years
This performance-based course will give students the opportunity to explore, develop, and showcase their talent. The course will include a wide range of literature from a variety of historical periods, countries, cultures, languages, and styles. Students will study classical masterworks, folk songs, spiritual, sacred and secular works, arrangements of familiar songs, and also selections from the pop, rock, and jazz repertoire. This course will implement several of the National Music Standards, providing a well-balanced curriculum.
Music Theory I, 1 credit elective, grades 10, 11, 12
For students desiring a more in-depth study of music, this course is designed to expose students to the basics of music composition and analysis. The integration of aural skill development and the concentration on harmonic structure provide the necessary groundwork for advanced study in music theory.
AP Music Theory, 1 credit elective, grades 11 and 12
This course is designed for the college-bound music major planning a career in the music field or desiring in-depth knowledge of music theory and composition. Advanced concepts in harmony and analysis are emphasized as well as the continued development of aural skills.
Piano/Electric Guitar, 0.5 credit elective, all grades, may be repeated once
This course is for students who want to learn how to play piano, guitar, or bass or who may have been playing for a while but want to improve their skills. In our state-of-the-art music lab, using the latest computer software and multimedia programs, students will be able to study piano or electric guitar and bass at the basic, intermediate, or advanced level according to their current musical skills. Beginners are welcome, while intermediate and advanced students will have an opportunity to refine and improve their playing skills. The students can choose among a classical, jazz, or modern curriculum, or even a combination of the three.
Music Technology I, 0.5 credit elective, all grades
This course allows students to gain all the knowledge necessary to produce great-sounding recordings of music. Even students who begin this course with little or no understanding of desktop production finish with quality master recordings. In this course, students will learn how to set up their own home audio, the basics of sampling and audio mixing, and more. With hands-on lessons and projects, students master concepts like digitization, signal flow, multi-tracking, equalization, signal processing, MIDI, and everything they need to turn their PC into a virtual multi-track studio.
Music Technology II, 0.5 credit elective, all grades
With a rack of virtual instruments, effects, mixers, a comprehensive sequencer, extensive groove control for fine-tuning the “feel” of a piece of music, and a patching system that emulates real-world hardware setups, Reason provides nearly complete production environment for producers and engineers. Producing music with Reason provides students a broad overview of this versatile software’s capabilities, and the techniques they need to learn to operate it effectively. The course covers sampling, sound design, and sequencing basics, and guides students from the fundamentals of mixing and mastering to more advanced problem-solving techniques that will improve overall productions. Students learn to create their own unique sounds, and because the program’s parts closely parallel much of the setups used by today’s top producers, students also learn portable skills that they can transfer to a number of different software and hardware setups.
Opportunities on the Stage
3 elective credits available
Drama I, 0.5 credit elective, all grades
While primarily a course in the art of acting, this course seeks to provide an overview of the theater world to our students. Several units will introduce key moments in Western theater history, focusing on classical monologues and scenes. The class focuses on the application of stage and performance principles to the performance of monologues, duets and ensemble scripts as well as the study of various elements of theater and film.
Drama II, 0.5 credit elective, grades 10, 11, 12
This course is a continuation of self-discovery and script analysis from Drama I, using the basic elements of the Stanislavski and Stella Adler systems, focused more directly toward developing the skills necessary to create characterization in monologues and scenes from contemporary plays. It also involves advanced scene work and creating characters in monologues and scenes from classical and modern plays. Drama II includes an introduction to the business of acting, developing audition material, practicing cold readings, and understanding headshot/resume requirements and how to pursue a career in the theatre.
Musical Theatre Dance I, 0.5 credit elective, all grades, satisfies P.E. requirement
This course will explore the history and evolution of the musical theater dance genre from the 1900s through present day, working with the different steps and styles introduced in each era. Students will study and work with different choreographic styles. Dance classes will incorporate technical training in ballet, musical theater, jazz, and stage movement. The class will work in conjunction with the Performing Arts Department as a complement to their shows and as a performance opportunity.
Musical Theatre Dance II, 0.5 credit elective, all grades, satisfies P.E. requirement
Expanding on the dance vocabulary learned in Dance I, students will study and work with different choreographers’ styles that have had a major influence on Broadway dance, such as Bob Fosse, Jerome Robbins, Michael Bennett and others.
Stagecraft, 0.5 credit elective, grades 10, 11, 12
Stagecraft is the study of the technical side of theatre. This course will introduce students, both novice and experienced, to a practical approach in both technical and production aspects of theatre. Students will learn the skills needed to construct scenery, properties, hang and focus lighting instruments, and a variety of other techniques. Students will also learn and explore areas of scenic, lighting and sound design. This course is production oriented. Students in the course will be assisting in creating the world of each St. Paul Performing Arts production.
Filmmaking, 0.5 credit elective, grades 10, 11, 12
This course is designed for the beginning film maker and provides a practical guide to the process of making a film using digital equipment from development through production, post-production, and distribution. While the technical tools a student needs are fully explained, the course concentrates on filmmaking principles throughout, illustrating how these tools can be used to achieve stylistic approaches for innovative filmmaking.
Opportunities in the Studio
5.5 elective credits available
Art Fundamentals, 0.5 credit elective, all grades
Students will complete two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks as they learn the ideas, language, and techniques of the visual arts. Further, students will study art history and examples of work by known and unknown artists and will develop skills related to and an understanding of the visual arts through a series of assignments on the elements and principles of design, drawing techniques, printmaking methods, painting techniques, color theory, sculpture techniques, art history, and criticism. Students will also gain an understanding of the tools and vocabulary used in the visual arts and become conversant with critiques of and discussions on the visual arts.
Crafts, 0.5 credit elective, all grades
This course enables students to explore the purpose and meaning of crafts from a global perspective. Students explore degrees of form and function through the use of traditional crafts media: fiber, metals, glass, papier-mâché, etc. Emphasis is on drawing, artistic thinking skills and techniques, as well as appreciation and understanding of contemporary, historic, and cultural influences.
Drawing, 0.5 credit elective, all grades
Drawing is a hands-on studio class working closely with the instructor and the other students in class. All skill levels are welcome to explore their creativity through drawing media. We will be incorporating the four ideas that make up visual art: art criticism, art history, aesthetics, and studio art. Students utilize and expand on the elements and principles of design and incorporate them in our art works, vocabulary, and visual sense through an array of assignments. This course will consist of short studies of real-life objects, line and drawing media experimentation, and the development of an understanding of quality drawing technique. A portfolio and sketchbook will be compiled throughout the course. Knowledge of proper drawing techniques and uses of drawing media will be expected upon course completion.
Painting, 0.5 credit elective, all grades
Painting is a hands-on studio class working closely with the instructor and the other students in class. We will be incorporating the four ideas that make up visual art: art criticism, art history, aesthetics, and studio art. Students utilize and expand on the elements and principles of design and incorporate them in their art works, vocabulary, and visual sense through a vast array of assignments. This course will consist of reviewing the fundamentals of color mixing, developing knowledge of the artistic process, experimenting with mixed media, and broadening the painting style through exposure to a variety of artistic techniques. A portfolio will be compiled throughout the course. Knowledge of diverse painting techniques and uses of media will be expected upon course completion.
3D Design, 0.5 credit elective, all grades
3-D Design is a hands-on, studio class working closely with the instructor and the other students in class. All skill levels are welcome to explore their creativity through a variety of exciting media. We will be incorporating the four ideas that make up visual art: art criticism, art history, aesthetics, and studio art. We will be utilizing and expanding on the elements and principles of design and incorporating them in art work, vocabulary, and visual sense through a vast array of assignments. This course will consist of experimenting with various media, developing knowledge of the artistic process, broadening artistic thinking and skills, and manipulating materials to achieve a successful 3-D piece. Knowledge of diverse 3-D media and ways to incorporate design elements into 3-D work will be expected upon course completion.
Photoshop, 0.5 credit elective, all grades
This course prepares students for beginning computer graphics and multimedia, entry-level career opportunities in computer-aided design, as well as taking images from concept to completion in print and on the web. The students will be introduced to the basics of Digital Photography, using tools such as digital cameras, scanners, and drawing tablets to import and edit art and graphics on their computers. The students’ artistic abilities will be enhanced as they master Adobe’s powerful Photoshop software to complete the design and production process.
Honors Studio Art, 0.5 credit/1 credit electives, grades 10, 11, 12
This course is designed as a prerequisite to the AP art courses offered to students their senior year. Because this is a prerequisite to the AP art courses, the course will entail many of the same goals. This course will be considered a portfolio prep class where students will complete much of the preliminary work needed in their portfolio for the review during their senior year. This course will be highly intensive and will require in and out of school studio work.
AP 2D Art and Design, 1 credit elective, grades 11 and 12
AP 2-D Art and Design guides students in the preparation and submission of an extensive studio art portfolio: concentration, breadth, and quality. Students complete several assigned projects, as well as numerous self-initiated projects. This course is very rigorous, and it is intended for art students who have demonstrated superior self-motivation and sustained interest in art.
AP Drawing, 1 credit elective, grades 11 and 12
The AP Drawing course is offered to students who are seriously interested in a commitment to the practical experience of art and wish to develop mastery in the concept, composition and execution of their ideas. This course is not based on a written examination; instead, students submit portfolios for evaluation at the end of the school year to the AP College Board for review. Assignments are challenging and require thought, individual interpretation and strong visual and technical skills. Significant outside work is required to meet the standards of quality (and quantity) required for portfolio submission. This course addresses advanced concepts and techniques in Drawing, as well as a wide range of aesthetic concepts, critical thinking, and vocabulary. Exploration of mediums within this area will include graphite, charcoal, chalk pastels, collage, watercolor, scratchboard, acrylic painting, and colored pencils. Student are encouraged to explore other mediums independently. The focus is on the use of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create engaging works of art that are personally meaningful. At the completing of the course, students will have produced a minimum of 24 works that satisfy the requirements of the Quality, Concentration, and Breadth sections of the AP Studio Art Drawing Portfolio.
Building a Business Background
Course Offerings
4 elective credits available)
Business Principles and Practices, .5 credit electives, grades 10, 11, 12
Business Principles and Practices is designed to teach students business economic principles through interactive case study analysis and hands-on projects. The course will integrate economic concepts, human behavior, business law, and business ethics in order to establish a solid foundation and understanding of the business environment. The class will explore what businesses are and investigate how businesses operate and how they are managed. It will analyze business law and its effect on the community, on consumers, and on corporations, partnerships, and proprietorships. The class will take a close look at management and leadership styles, marketing techniques, personal and business financing, and communications.
Marketing, 0.5 credit electives, grades 11 and 12
Marketing will introduce students to current marketing concepts and practices. The course builds on five major customer value and engagement themes: creating customer value, engaging customers, building and managing strong brands, measuring and managing return on marketing, and implementing sustainable marketing. The class will present numerous real-life examples and stories that engage students with marketing concepts and bring modern marketing to life. Students will understand consumer needs and wants, determine target markets, and develop strategies to attract customers.
Communications, 0.5 credit elective, grades 10, 11, 12
Communications is designed to integrate various communication vehicles to develop skills and apply these skills in various situations such as conflict resolution and professional development. This course will concentrate on speech writing, speech presentation, speech delivery, contract writing, negotiating skills, group dynamics analysis, conflict resolution, and effective presentations. The course is designed to create a better writer, organizer, and communicator. This involves organizing and planning results, creating goal-oriented outcomes, and handling surprise situations in order to manage one’s professional and personal life more effectively. The course will use books, case studies, and media presentations to guide the curriculum.
Accounting I, 1 credit elective, grades 10, 11, 12
Accounting I is designed to build a basic understanding of manual and automated accounting principles, concepts, and procedures. The course provides students with an overall picture of the total process of a business system. It teaches students to analyze and record business transactions. Students will prepare financial statements for businesses organized as proprietorships and corporations. The computer lab will be used periodically to teach automated accounting methods. Students will complete a simulation as a capstone activity, which incorporates the entire accounting cycle for a corporation.
Accounting II, 0.5 credit elective, grades 11 and 12
Accounting II continues the study of contemporary accounting practices, with an emphasis on financial and managerial accounting. The goal is to identify and analyze business transactions, define the characteristics of business entities, identify the interdependency of financial statements, employ managerial accounting techniques, and communicate this information to users with different needs. Financial accounting topics include liabilities, equities, investments, and business entities. Managerial accounting topics include job order and process costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, and budgets.
Personal Finance, 0.5 credit elective, grades 11 and 12
Personal Finance teaches students how to design a personal financial plan for the future. It focuses on how financial markets work, how to select among various saving and investment options, how to find and use investment information, and how to recognize and victim-proof oneself against investment fraud. Students will learn the keys to credit success and purchasing insurance to avoid financial catastrophe. Activities will include exploring websites that focus on financial literacy, analyzing case studies, and reading current articles in financial publications. Simulations, content-sensitive videos, and the Financial Reality Fair will be used to support the curriculum.