
Parent/Student Newsletter - November 2024

Faith Feature

Our Assistant Campus Ministers collaborating to create a Saints Wall of Fame for our annual Remembrance Mass.


The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist would like to invite you to their annual Franciscan Christmas Fair on November 23, 9:30-2:30 (271 Finch Ave., Meriden).

Join us for a joy-filled day of Christmas spirit and fun at the Fair. Enjoy the living crèche, Santa Claus, Franciscan Pottery, homemade jams, jellies, pickles, cookies, children's activities, fresh cut Christmas trees, and don't miss our homemade breads! St. Paul students who have signed up will also earn service hours. 

Academics & School Counseling

School Counseling

PARENTS - BROWN BAG LUNCH: The School Counseling Department is setting up dates for our Brown Bag Lunch career panel series! If you are not sure what that is, our Brown Bag Lunch series is a great career exploration option for our students. They hear about careers they may be interested in, but we need your help. We need St. Paul parents on the panel to discuss their job, their path to their career, give our students an overview of what they do and finish with a Q&A from students.

We are hoping we can find volunteers for these panels that are happening monthly from 11:30 am to 12:45 pm throughout the year based on career clusters.

November 14th: Public Safety, Corrections & Security
December 12th: Architecture, Construction and Engineering
January 9th: Health Sciences
February 13th: Business, Management, Administration and Finance
March 13th: Education
April 10th: IT/Computer Science


Transcript Request Form should be filled out when you are ready to submit, or have submitted, your college applications. These requests are due TWO WEEKS before your school's deadline. That means if you have a December 1st deadline it is due on November 15th at the latest. Please see your School Counselor if you have any questions!

Virtual College Financial Aid Workshop

All St. Paul families are invited to the virtual College Financial Aid workshop on Tuesday, November 19 at 6:00pm. Join us at the Zoom link below:



Mrs. Kendrick's Architecture class students work diligently on their residential designs, constructing floor plans for their house project. Computer-aided design is used in class as well but rulers, pencils and paper provide for great accuracy. Final projects will be shared as we get closer to the end of the semester.

Performing Arts Show Tickets on Sale

Our performance of The Play That Goes Wrong is approaching quickly!

Fri. Nov 15th 2024, 7:00 pm
Sat. Nov 16th 2024, 7:00 pm
Sun. Nov 17th 2024, 2:00 pm

It's opening night of the Cornley Drama Society's newest production, "The Murder at Haversham Manor", and things have quickly gone from bad...to utterly disastrous. The troup's ambitious 1920s whodunit has everything you never want in a show; falling props, collapsing scenery, an unconscious leading lady, a corpse that can't play dead, and actors who trip over everything... including their lines. How will this eager ensemble battle against all of the disastrous odds? Will they make it to the final curtain call?

"The Play That Goes Wrong" is a renowned comedy that is sure to leave you in stitches. Don't miss out on this amazing production, brought to life by the talented students of St. Paul Catholic High School. An international hit that's equal parts Monty Python and Sherlock Homes - The Play That Goes Wrong is full of hilarious perfection. Bring your friends, family, and a good sense of humor to join us for an evening of theatrical mishaps and side-splitting laughter.

Written by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer and Henry Shields
Director Mark Mazzarella '78
Assistant Director Mae Archacki '17


Follow St. Paul Athletics on Social Media

Twitter – @stpaulfalcons

Instagram – @spchsathletics

Most teams have an Instagram account.
Make sure to ask coach if you'd like to follow.

Winter Sport Registration is open NOW!

Keep Her Playing: Female Athlete Conference

Saturday, November 23 at the University of Hartford in West Hartford. The event is free but registration is required.


Forever Falcons Auction

We are searching for current or past parents, faculty, alumni and friends of St. Paul to join the committee to make our largest fundraiser of the school year a success. You're invited to attend our next meeting on Thursday, November 21 at 6:00pm. Just come and see what a fun group it is to be a part of.

Help plan this fun event that includes dinner, dancing, raffles & live & silent auctions all to benefit St. Paul's advancement efforts.

Our Forever Falcons Auction is scheduled for Saturday, 3/8 at a NEW LOCATION - The Bristol Events Center.  Email Alicia Jennings '96 for more information.

Frosty Falcon 5K

The Frosty Falcon 5K will take place on Saturday, 12/7 at 9:00am with our Reindeer Mile (ages 5-12) starting at 8:30am.  This community event is open to all family, friends and neighbors of St. Paul.

The cost of the 5K is $30 and the Reindeer Mile is $5.

CLICK HERE for more information or to sign up.

Sign up before 11/16 and you'll receive a coveted race shirt.

From November 1 – November 15

It’s not too early to pre-order your Christmas Wreath decorations. Decorate your home for the season with these beautiful, fresh, 22″ wreaths with a red bow from Gozzi Wreath Farm. $20 each.

Proceeds help to fund St. Paul Scholarships.

Wreath pick up will be at St. Paul on Thursday, December 5 from 2:30-4:00 and Friday, December 6 during Light Up St. Paul; 6:30PM – 8:00PM


Light Up St. Paul

Join us for a special evening as you help us Light Up St. Paul!

Every year at Light Up St. Paul we hold an Advent candle lighting ceremony and special luminaries are lit to honor loved ones past and present that line the St. Paul campus. This year the special event will take place on Friday evening, December 6, 2024 at 6:30pm.

Delicious food, drink & Christmas fare will be for sale by various St. Paul clubs and teams! Have some dinner and get some shopping done too!

Fun activities you’ll enjoy are:

Advent Candle Lighting Ceremony
Luminary Walk
Santa’s Corner
Christmas Music
S’Mores at our SP firepits

Luminaries will be available for purchase soon. Stay tuned.


Placement Exam

Do you know someone looking to apply/attend St Paul Catholic High School next Fall? The next EXAM DATE IS Saturday, 11/23 at 8:00am. Those students taking the exam in November will be eligible for Merit Scholarships based on exam results, so please pass along to those you know.

Be a Falcon for the Day!

Do you know an 8th grade student who is interested in attending St. Paul? We'd like to invited them to spend the day with us. Student shadow visits are held on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s with up to eight spaces available each of those days.

Visiting students will spend the day with a current student, tour the school, attend classes, have lunch, and meet other students, faculty, and staff. 

Fill out the form HERE and someone from the Admissions Office will be touch with you!

Things you need to know!

Grandparents Day - We Need Your Help!

This is one of our most fun and largest events that takes place on St. Paul campus and we need your help to make it a success.

Consider volunteering or donating breakfast items - click the button below to see a list of what is needed and to volunteer.

There are three different start times for breakfast and the program. The three waves are broken out by the student's name alphabetically.

To see the invitation please click here.

Mark Your Calendar (School Calendar)

STUDENTS AND PARENTS - Subscribe to the St. Paul School Calendar and it will be automatically populated into your electronic calendar.
Any changes during the school year will be automatically updated!

3 Cans and $3 Drive

This Friday is our annual can drive to support Little Sisters of the Poor and United Way of West Central CT. Students are asked to bring in 3 (or more) non-perishable food items and $3 to support and they are able to dress down.

Thank you for your support of this important mission!


The Class of 2025 After-Grad committee met on 10/30.

After Grad Permission Slip and deposit as well as Krispy Kreme Fundraiser totals and payments were due today, 11/4.

Please email spchsclassof2025@gmail.com with any After Grad questions.

Last week an email was sent with information about cap, gown and diplomas. Please email communications@spchs.com 


St. Paul juniors are recognized for taking their place as upperclassmen at St. Paul. 

Junior families, you are cordially invited to share in the celebration of this event on Tuesday, November 7 at 7:00pm. Juniors need to be present in the dining hall by 6:30 p.m.

If you have not yet, please email your RSVP to Dr. Gnoza at jgnoza@spchs.com. Please include the number of people who will be attending with your son or daughter.


If a student will be absent, tardy or dismissed early please email attendance@spchs.com or call the main office to report.

Tuition Assistance Information

St Paul Catholic High School uses an independent consultant, FACTS Grant & Aid, to evaluate financial need. Anyone who wishes to be considered for tuition assistance must submit an application to FACTS Grant & Aid. The application fee is $45. The online application will be available starting 10/1/2024.

Click HERE for more information on deadlines and to apply.

Community Service Opportunities

Several opportunities are listed on the school website for students to volunteer and earn service hours throughout the school year. Please visit this page often and  contact the organizer directly for the opportunity. 

Please visit the page for more information.

Falcon Fan Shop

Our new Falcon Fan Shop that is in our Dining Hall IS OPEN!

Students can visit on Wednesday during lunch to purchase! Shop from the comfort of your couch and we will fill the order and send home with your child or you can pick the order up in the main office!

Lunch Menu

The hot lunch menu will be posted at this website page each week.

There are also several cold lunch options offered each week - salads, sandwiches, fruit, vegetables, etc.

To pre-pay for lunch, please make a check payable to Paul Gregory's and have your child bring through the lunch line. The balance will be updated by Stella.